Table of Contents
Reflection on Snowball
Reflection on My PT quiz
Reflection on Rome Test Part 3
Reflection on my Frog Dissection
Reflection on Diamond Problems
Reflection on Rome Test Part 1
Reflection on The Language of Japan
Reflection on the Generic Rectangle
Reflection on Spanish Art
Reflection on Q & Q Quiz
Reflection on Bulla and Papyrus
Reflection on Renaissance Test Part B
Reflection on gs-3 and ys-20-23
Reflection on the Renaissance
Reflection on Solving Quadratics
Reflection on Beach House POTW

About Me
I am many things within my family for many reasons. To begin with, I am a son and a proud twin brother. To add, I tend to be the creative one in my household, usually because I create many extraordinary things. Furthermore, I am the techie family member since I can solve most tech problems within my family. As you can see I am many things within my family for many reasons.

My favorite subject
Math is my favorite subject.
Fun and useful,
Math is the best subject.
Algebra and Calculus too,
Is part of math.
Zero to Infinite
Do the trick.
I enjoy Math,
‘Cause it’s fun, theoretical and complex too. Math is my favorite subject,
And will continue to.
Dear Parents, Friends, Future Teachers, Future Business Partners, and Formula 1 Teams,
This is my seventh grade portfolio. This portfolio is a webpage full of my work that I did in the TLC garage school. Inside of this portfolio, you may see many fun and complex assignments that I have done during this amazing school year. My portfolio will show you all how driven, determined and hard working I am to succeed in school. The purpose of this portfolio is for me to show my abilities as a successful student and to show how big of an impact the garage school has done in my life. Also, this portfolio is for me to look back at when I’m older and go like:
“Wow, I did all this work when I was in seventh grade.”
The portfolio says a lot about me as a learner and a person for many reasons. Firstly, this proves that I work hard at school so I can go to a prestigious school. To add, this says that I am a student that can learn in many different ways, such as playing games instead of just getting assigned problems. Furthermore, this tells you that I am a wonderful person who is thankful for having the opportunity to be part of this awesome school. As you can see, the portfolio says a lot about me as a learner and a person for many reasons.
I have grown in so many ways this past year with the garage school and having to deal with the pandemic for many reasons. To begin with, I believe that I have grown because Kathy really helped me accept any grade that wasn’t a one hundred percent, which I always struggled with. To add on, I have grown because I have become a lot faster to complete my work. Lastly, this pandemic has helped me grow by allowing me to realize how important my family is, especially my grandparents, which I haven’t visited for a long time due to the circumstances.

This is Who I am
Honest and Patient
Always Positive and Kind
You Should Know Me Now
These characteristics define me because I am positive and patient while helping others. I’m also kind and honest at school every day.