Dear friends and family,
What is this portfolio? This portfolio tells you about our life improved in this garage school. We have a website that you can visit and we put a lot of stuff about our life about how school is, and all the cool adventures we have done. What is the purpose of creating a portfolio? This is for other people to see what has happened in the garage school and all our life that has happened in our garage school. It shows all about your life without a portfolio. I think we would never show ourselves like on Covid we didn’t really go to school but with the garage school, we have to show ourselves because we never stopped and that is something important to show the world. At last, I think these two things are very important and they should be important all around the world.
This shows a lot about me. I really like this. It’s one of my favorite works we have done: super fun and super chill. This portfolio can help me get a future job. They can see all the cool projects I have done. This portfolio shows all the work I have done in the past year and I like it. Sometimes I don’t act like a student. Sometimes I just act normal, like when I go jumping off a rock and doing a cool thing. This can show you a lot about the world. This can show you Emerald Bay and skiing and a other things I think that are very cool. At last, this portfolio can show you a lot of stuff.
TLC was very fun. I got to play with new friends and learned a lot more stuff. It was very hard when Covid hit sometimes, and it was very hard doing everything on a computer. Something I hate is that we couldn’t spend a lot of time together and it sucked. Something I did like though is that we could see our faces and it was very challenging. Last but not least, this year was very challenging but very fun as well.
Ricardo Grajeda

Table of Contents
A solution of difficult or non-routine problem.
A problem that uses 2 or more algebraic concepts.
A science lab/ A projects A project I found interesting
An assignment that represents two different subjects
Two writing samples, one from beginning of the year and one being of them being of the end of the year
An example of mathematical visual
A project about a culture/ a topic I found frustrating/ project I learned a lot from .
An assignment in Spanish.
Group work.
individual work.
A test or other assessment.
A topic or project I found frustrating.
Something you could explain to someone
A problem I did poorly on

What I like about School
I really like when I get to play around with my friends. Something else is when we do bottle flip challenges or when we play math games that are super fun. The best thing I like to do in school is when we play in recess... super fun! Another great part that I like to do is go on field trips... super fun when I get to see new parts of Tahoe that I haven't seen before.. Lastly, I really love this TLC class!

About Me
Hello today, we are going to talk about my life. I am the middle child, the funniest and I am the most athletic in the house. I like to be around my family a lot. Something I like to do with my family is mess around with them when I am bored. Something else I like to do is help around when my mom needs me or when my dad needs me. I have an older brother and a younger sister, their names are Alonso and Angeles ( Angie ). I am very lucky to have this family.
Sometimes I like to go on morning runs and late night runs. I like it because it helps my body a lot and when I play soccer I won't be that tired. Something else I like to do is go bike riding with my friends. We go to the beach and just chill there or we go to the Mexican store to get some candy and go to bijou and play soccer. The thing that I like the most is soccer . I have played soccer for over 7 year. I love soccer so much that I tell my parents if I can go play every day but sometimes they won't let me but it is ok there is tomorrow. Last thing I like to do is go help my brother clean his car, he is the best brother.
The best subject I like to do is recce it very fun and cool, yes I was joking the best subject I like to do is math. Math is the best thing I like to learn. It is very fun but could be challenging. I like it because you get to learn new stuff every day or every week. That's why I like it. I like it because I get to learn new stuff that I haven't learned and that I like to do challenging stuff but sometimes it could get tricky when Kathy asks hard questions. Last but not least I really like this subject and I would never stop loving it.