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I am compassion

Down to earth, honest, funny

Nature, outdoorsie’


I like to do many things outside of school. First off I like to ski. In the winter, I ski every weekend and even some school days. Secondly, I like to bike, I bike on a lot of trails in summer including Corral, Armsrong and so on. Thirdly, I like to swim, whether I'm on the beach or my dad's boat; it’s always fun. As you can see I like to do many things outside of school.


My two favorite subjects are social studies and science. I like science because it is very interesting, right now we are learning about the human body and all its systems. From the circulatory system to the nervous system, it is all super interesting. I also like social studies because we get to learn a lot about ancient empires. My favorite Empires are the Mesoamerican Empires, African empires and Ancient Rome. In conclusion, my two favorite subjects are social studies and science. 



Here are three characteristics about me that define me. I am funny, My brother says that I never take things seriously in a good way, I am compassionate. My mom says that I am positive and show respect towards others. I am honest, I do not exaggerate and I live by my words. In conclusion, I am funny, compassionate, and honest. 

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Cover letter 

Dear parents, friends and future teachers, 


This portfolio is an autobiography of this year. We will be summarizing our entire seventh grade year, and with all the fun assignments that come with it. The purpose of creating this portfolio is so you people know who I am and what I have been doing this past year. I also might get a job if I show this to my future boss. And I can look back on this in 20 years or so and think “wow I did this”. 


 This portfolio shows that I am a spatial, kinesthetic and visual learner. I like to build and draw things instead of just writing stuff down on pencil and paper. It shows that I try hard when I do my work. And I have a lot of motivation to get straight A's, like getting a free Sierra pass. It shows that I'm interested science and social studies Instead of math and language arts. 


I have grown a lot in this past year. I personally think I have gotten way better at school and getting good grades.  The subject that I've improved the most on is spanish because I can read much faster and understand the language better. This pandemic was very interesting and fun in some places but but if I could choose for it to be over then I'd definitely end it. Over the pandemic I have gotten way better at mountain biking and skiing. In mountain biking I've hit my first big table top on Coral and in skiing I've done my first 360 and hit the first two Ally jumps. 


Proudly, Trevor Mattila

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Portfolio Table Of Contents



1. Reflection on couplet storybook

2. SS Ancient Rome test map drawing

3. Writing log #3 to Writing log #17

4. SS graphic organizer Middle Ages

5. POTW#9

6. Spanish Biography

7. Science design a organism

8. Science cell jigsaw

9. Science DNA model lab

10. Math PT quiz


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