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Table of Contents

1. Jeopardy Game

2.Think fast

3. Nutrients Poster

4.Slope quiz 

5. Dog trait 

6.Haikus and Tankas

7.Nouns and Verbs

8. Japan assessment

9. Explorers

10. El Cid


I am Jonathan Mendoza. I like playing sports but my main one is soccer and I’m a 7th grader who studies in the class of Kathy’s in her garage. I am the clown from the family that makes funny jokes and makes people laugh even my mom agrees. I'm also the lazy one in the family who likes to sleep a lot. Also, some days when I’m not tired I am the energetic one with my baby brother and we annoy my sister. Besides that I am the 3rd child and I’m short. As you can see, this is what I am within my family.


 Here are some things I like to do when I’m outside of school. When I’m out of school I like hanging out with my friends riding bikes or go play soccer with them. I also like going to the beach to watch the sunset on my bike and go to the store to buy snacks. To include that, I sleep mostly all day and play video games. As you can see, this is what I like doing out of school.  


I like to learn about math and science cause I feel like those two are the only ones that are gonna help me in life later on in the future. For example, science teaches me the part of the body and shows me how to do CPR. In math we learn many things like how to find the y-inter and there are just lots of numbers in others and that can help me in life. For example, while I count my money or do my taxes etc. As you can see, this is why I like learning about math and science.


Here are some characteristics that define me like a really good soccer player in my opinion. Also a teenager who wants to be successful in life. For example, be smart so I can go to college because I have hopes to get in one if I still like it. Lastly, sometimes I am too energetic, chill friend to hang with and we will have our greatest times. In conclusion, these are some of the characteristics of me.


Dear Parents, Friends, and future Teachers, I am going to tell you what the portfolio I’m doing is. This portfolio is showing you some of my work I did for the past 3 trimesters. The point of doing this portfolio is to show other people our stuff we do in school and the cool activities we do. Also, in my opinion it is showing us the progress and the better we are getting at different things. As you can see, this is what a portfolio is and what is the point of it.  

   This portfolio shows a lot about me. For example, it is showing you different things I’m better at and things I’m not the best at. Also, it is showing that in different subjects I’m better at them.  The rest... go check it out yourself. Lastly, it shows that I am a visual learner then anything else. As you can see, this is what it says about me and my learning.

I have grown in many ways. The first way I got smarter and everything and developed a lot. Also, I grew in getting new connections with other people I didn't really talk to before. Having to deal with this pandemic for me was pretty difficult because I lost lots of things like sports, some friends that I used to talk to, and just privileges. Also, it’s very hard to keep a mask on because sometimes we leave them for too long. In conclusion, this is how I took care of this pandemic. 


Proudly, Jonathan Mendoza Navarrete 

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