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Dear Parents, Friends, Future Teachers, and Anyone Else,

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and for taking a look at my portfolio.  This portfolio is a set of presentations where I share assignments and activities that I have done this school year at Tahoe Learning Cohort.  You will learn why I chose these assignments and activities, why I liked them or not, and what they say about me.  The purpose of creating a portfolio is to reflect now and in the future on everything we have done in this past crazy, but wonderful year.  However, it is also to share my work with you.  Finally, I would like to explain in the next two paragraphs what this portfolio shows about me and how I have grown this past year.

First of all, my portfolio shows many things about me as a learner, but also as a person.  For instance, in this portfolio you will see that I always give more than 100% in all of my assignments.  Also, it demonstrates that I enjoy doing assignments where we sit down in class and have the opportunity to ask Kathy questions.  However, it is noticeable that I am not the biggest fan of kinesthetic activities.  You will find out that I like doing things individually as much as I like doing them with my friends.  In addition, you will be able to see that I am very self-disciplined.  To summarize, my portfolio shows many things about me as a person and as a learner.             

Secondly, I have grown a lot this past year with being a part of this garage school and having to deal with this pandemic as a teenager.  In other words, I have become more grateful for my education, and realized that I’m lucky to be going in person.  I have grown by accepting imperfect grades on assignments every now and then.  To add on, I have learned to manage situations when they don’t go my way.  In addition, I have found new ways to spend more time with my family.  In conclusion, I have grown a lot this year as a teenager and as a student at TLC.

Well, I hope that you enjoyed reading this letter and took something from it.  You have read what this portfolio is about and what the purpose of it is.  Furthermore, I have explained what this portfolio demonstrates of me and how I have grown this past year as a teenager and at the garage school.  This year has been a very important year in my life thanks to all of you.  Although it has been extremely complicated and hard at times, there have been innumerable phenomenal moments too.  In the end, I can’t wait to see what I accomplish, but I am certain that it will be with your help and support.



Sebastián Guerrero


Table of Contents


Reflection 1: Inca Multiple Intelligence Project

Reflection 2: Frog Dissection

Reflection 3: Couplet Storybook

Reflection 4: Kathy’s Beach House

Reflection 5: PT Quiz

Reflection 6: Biografía de Amancio Ortega

Reflection 7: Hitchhiker One-Pager

Reflection 8: Generic Rectangle

Reflection 9: Solving Quadratics

Reflection 10: Translation Poster

Reflection 11: Japan Feudalism Pyramid

Reflection 12: Writing Log #3/ The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Response to Literature

Reflection 13: WR Test

Reflection 14: Renaissance

Reflection 15: Jeopardy

Reflection 16: Age of Exploration Essay





I have many characteristics that define me in various ways.  For example, I am very organized, as I always know where everything is and my area is clean.  In addition, I am honest, meaning that I tell the truth, even if it is a disadvantage for me.  Moreover, my parents say I am persistent because I never stop working until I reach my goal.  To add on, I have a good sense of humor, as I like to joke around and usually see the funny side of a situation.  As you can see, there are multiple characteristics that define me in numerous ways



Math is undoubtedly my favorite subject for numerous reasons.  For instance, I like that everything is tied together.  Moreover, it really helps that there is a formula for everything.  Also, you always learn new things in math, making it extremely fun.  In addition, I enjoy math because there is always a way to check if your answer is correct.  To conclude, math is my favorite subject for many reasons.

However, I really also like language arts for various reasons.  First of all, I like that we get to write essays every now and then.  To add on, we get to practice our grammar.  Furthermore, I enjoy that we write a lot, helping me become a better writer.  Lastly, it is very fun when we work together, as we get to share our ideas and expand our vocabulary.  In conclusion, language arts is also a very interesting subject for innumerable reasons.




At home, I'm a son.
The perfectionist brother
and the worrier


What I Like To Do Outside of School.jpg
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