Ralston’s Autobiography
My name is Ralston Pierce. I am 12 years old and I live with my mom, dad, brother, and sister. Also, my grandparents live right next door. I am the oldest kid in my family. I have a dog and two cats. One of my cats, Sunny, is very fat, eighteen pounds. I don’t think my dog is fat, but he is for sure very big. My dog Duke weighs 140 pounds, and loves going on runs with my parents. To make money I sell golf balls at the golf course. I dive down into rivers and collect the golf balls.
Recently, I have been very interested in photography. I have had a camera for two weeks now and am really enjoying it. I am very excited to meet a local photographer, Cory Rich. Cory Rich is a friend of my parents. I have heard that he has done camps for photography lesson every year but I need to be fourteen to enroll. One of my other favorite hobbies is doing flips. I highly enjoy going to trampoline parks like WoodWard and FLY HIGH.
My favorite subject in school is science. Science is my favorite subject because I enjoy learning about the human body. My favorite system of the human body is the cardiovascular system because to me it is interesting how there are 4 different chambers of the heart to pump blood all around your body. My least favorite subject is social studies because I do not find the past very interesting. In conclusion, I like science but don’t like social studies.
There are 4 characteristics I think define me. First, I think I’m funny but that is just me. Second, I’m athletic because I use my muscles daily. Third, curious. I am always curious because I like to take in knowledge. Lastly, happy, I’m happy because I get out of the house and get to go do things. In conclusion, 4 characteristics I think define me are funny, athletic, curious, and happy.

Dear Parents, Friends, Future Teachers, and any person stumbling across this website,
This portfolio shows how I lasted and learned a lot during COVID-19, a very difficult time for many people. For example, I got lucky and had a great time during the pandemic and learned so much about all subjects in school. Kathy always gives us incredible assignments that we enjoy and have fun with them all. In conclusion, I had so much fun and learned so much during the pandemic.
I believe the purpose of making this portfolio is so you can look back at it and remember how the pandemic and learning was in 2020 and 2021. For example, when I get a job, I can share about how I lived and learned during the pandemic as a 7th grader. I can show them this portfolio. To add, I think if you showed this to anyone giving you an interview you could get a job. Another reason to make this is to show your future family how your 7th grade year was during THE COVID-19. In conclusion, there are many reasons to make a portfolio and I suggest you should make one too.
How have I shown growth? I have shown growth in every single subject. Kathy has taught me so much during one school year. She taught me all of 7th grade and so much more. I have talked to some of my cousins and close friends that are in 9th grade and it turners out the math that they are doing I’m doing too! I was so surprised to see for myself how good of a teacher Kathy is and it’s crazy. In summary, Kathy is an amazing teacher and you should hire her to be the head curriculum development for all of LTUSD.