Marcus' Webpage
Dear Parents, Friends, Future Teachers, this is my 7th grade year and it was been awesome. That is why I am making a portfolio for my favorite assignments all year. A portfolio is a showcase of a year's worth of work. That is why it will be great to have this years to come. It will be fun to show to my family and friends also it may help me get a job in the future. It will also be cool to look back on all of my “Garage School” work when I am older.
This shows a lot about me as a learner and person. It highlights the type of learner I am and shows the quality of my work. It shows that I am a hands on learner and do not like worksheets. You can see that in my portfolio reflections. I mostly write about things I learned a lot about. Most of them are activities that are hands on. That is what this portfolio shows about me.
This pandemic has affected me in a lot of ways. First I could not play sports which was a huge bummer. My life has basically revolved around sports forever. Also I could not be social with anyone. I could not go to school so I did not get to see any of my friends. Lastly it affected the whole world. It was sad to see some of our favorite businesses close because lack of customers. That is what affected me over this pandemic.

What I do on My Free Time
I like to do lots of activities on my free time as you can see in the pictures. However most of my favorite activities are pretty risky which my mom does not like. I love all the activities I get to do like riding my horse, skiing, mountain biking and even cliff jumping. These things are the reason my life is so awesome and fun.

My favorite Things to Learn About
I like learning as much as I can. Here are some of my favorite things to learn about. My favorite subject is Language Arts for many reasons. Fist you get to read witch is one of my favorite things to do in school. Also we learn grammar and every week we do a fun activity to learn it better. I also like Social studies because we learn about the history of countries and their languages. We even got to make sushi when we were learning about japan. Those are the things I like to learn about in school.

Hi my name is Marcus. I am 13 years old and I like to do lots of activities.
Here are a couple of quotes that my sister and brother define me as
“A problem child”-Alexi
“A pest”-Christopher
“A wonderful young man” - Alex
“Awesome”- Marcus
As you can see I am not the most liked person in my family however some people like Alex like me. But overall I think these are more accurate. I think I am very funny because I can make up awesome jokes. Also I am very athletic because I am good at almost any sport I try. Lastly I am good at problem solving that is why I get straight A's.